Attention 4th and 5th grade parents. The deadline for Rent to Own instruments is this Friday, September 20th. Order online today to make sure your child's instrument arrives on time, next week! Any instruments ordered after this date will likely arrive at the end of October. Payments add up to the total cost of the instrument, making it yours at final payment!"

Emergency Safety Plan for Millinocket Schools

Maine Through Year Testing Information

2023-2024 Yearbooks are still available to purchase for $40...If you did not purchase one and would like to please stop by the office!

Our first student day of school for the 2024-2025 school year will be August 28, 2024. We look forward to seeing everyone!!!

We want to welcome our new 5th grade teacher, Melanie Thibodeau. Ms. Thibodeau has many years of experience teaching at the 3rd and 4th grade level and will be a great addition to our staff.

Free "SUN"mer Meals for kids and teens!!
New this year, breakfast will be served in two locations.
-On site in the Stearns Jr./Sr. High School cafeteria (Entrance behind the school, near the Michaud Trail).
-On site and To Go at the Medway Recreation Complex.
Visit www.hotlunchsummer.com for meal times and locations in the tri-town region.

Kindergarten had a blast yesterday on Bubble Day! 🫧

We are excited to launch our new website soon. Stay tuned for more information.